City University 1st yr BSc Econ module on central banking 2019

Module for EC1004, ‘Topics in Applied Macroeconomics’.

2 versions of slides, below.  Powerpoint [pptx] included for working hyperlinks to reading and sources.  Pdf included for ease and reliability of viewing across multiple and mobile devices.  Material eventually lodged separately on City Uni Moogle system once I have learned how.

Lectures:  31 Jan, 7 Feb, 14 Feb all at 1-3pm, Poynton lecture theatre.

‘Tutorial’ immediately afterward, 3-4pm.  Tutorial = Q+A and then more lecturing once that has petered out.

Office hours:  11.30-12.30, Friday following each lecture, ie 8, 15, 22 Feb.  Room D312, ie Klaus Zauner’s office, Rhind Building.

There are 4 lots of lecture slides, which I will try to cover over the 3 scheduled lectures and tutorials.   All material subject to change right up until the lecture.

Lecture 1:

Introduction:  why we should study central banks, money and finance.  The recent financial crisis.  Some stories where central banks have been at the pivots of history.  Admin:  things about me and the course.

Slides:  pptx; pdf

Notes:  intro and admin

Lecture 2:

Digging into the rationale behind current central bank functions and policies.  Central bank independence.  Monetary poilcy.  Financial stability policy.

Slides:  pptx; pdf

Lecture 3:

Financial crisis of 2008:  causes, consequences and responses.

Slides:  pptx; pdf

Lecture 4:

Digital currencies and central banking.  How will monetary and financial stability work if there were a private sector digital currency takeover?  Could digital currency take over?  Should/would central banks pre-empt that by offering their own digital currency?

Slides:  pptx; pdf

Assessed essay question